
Plant-based Protein & Bean Chili

Food Prep and Cooking


The prep was pretty simple. Chop and pot, really. We needed butter, which we wouldn't normally have in the fridge if Nick hadn't started making popcorn again. Some of the peppers had been a little too wet when packaged and had a few slimy parts that I had to cut off. 


Easiest prep yet - throw stuff in a pot and cook it. Even that gave us some trouble, though; I've given up on figuring out what simmering something is. I thought I knew, but we always end up with too much liquid, and guess what? We ended up with too much liquid after simmering this for ten minutes. Also, this is our last Green Chef bag! We're switching because Blue Apron lets you do just two meals a week, and also if I get one more bag with cremini mushrooms, green peas, or kale I am going to scream. Fuck off, kale! You're not wanted here! Go back to Hell! 

Post-meal thoughts


Well, it was fine. I thought I'd broken up the impossible meat into small enough chunks or the chunks that were left would like...melt or something? It was still okay but I think it needed that mushroom concentrate from the tacos a while back. I was super worried about the giant kidney beans, so much so I made us try a little spoonful before we plated to ensure we weren't making a terrible mistake. 

As Nick mentioned in Prep, we had a lot of liquid. And it was fine, I guess. Like I ate my dinner but this isn't something I'd order on purpose, at least not if it turns out the same. We're building our ability to cook, at least.


Before cooking this, I was worried about the big-ass beans and hopeful that the fake meat would be as delicious as it was back when we made the tacos. As it turned out, the beans, despite both of us worrying about them ("What about the BEANS" Katie shrieked), were fine; they were nice and cooked so I barely even noticed them. Unfortunately, the fake meat was not good, friends. It was missing whatever in the tacos made it super savory. Bring back the mushroom stock! I think it was almost too real; like Katie said, we had trouble breaking it up, despite both of us taking turns with the flipper trying to mash it into bite-sized chunks, and a bite of, umm, I guess this is chili with too much fake meat in it was not very pleasant. I think I feel the same way Katie does; it's fine, but not something I'm running out to order more of. To improve this dish, I would add the mushroom stock!! Where is my mushroom stock?? Where is it? Who has my mushroom stock? I'm after that mushroom stock like Sauron after the One Ring. Which one of you hairy-footed little thieves has it?! 

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