
Disney Part 3

This part of our Disney trip included my Mom who surprised us on the trip. We were genuinely surprised and it was awesome. For today's entry, we'll be covering some of the food we tried during the Festival of the Arts at Epcot.


Creme de Brie en Petit Pain

Rating--Katie and Mom gave this a 5. Nick didn't try much because he's lactose intolerant and we didn't have any pills.


I remember this being absolutely amazing. The brie, which I'd only ever had cold in wedge form before, was creamy and so so good. The bread was the delivery mechanism for the cheese. I would happily have this as an appetizer anytime, anywhere.


I tried a tiny little lick because if I had any more I would have been transformed into a fearsome biological weapon destroying the World Showcase with mega lactose farts. Everyone would have been like "Oh my god, did a sewer break? The smell seems to be coming from that extremely handsome and charming man!". Anyway, from the tiny little lick I had, this seemed good; almost like very high end cheese you would get on a $25, too big to finish Druther's mac and cheese. 

Trio de Macaron

Rating--Mom 2, Nick 2.5, Katie 3.5


Hmmm. These are a little hard to judge because the different flavors were very different. One of them was like lemon or something? and it was horrible, which gets a zero; one was red and green and tasted like, ummmmm, cookie, which was fine and a 2.5; and one was like coffee or something and I only got one little bite because it was so good it went very quick. Add those all together and you get a 2.5!


The coffee one was by far the favorite. One of them I remember being terrible and one was fine, if odd. I think we got another sleeve of these (they came in a little plastic bespoke container) just so more of us could try the coffee one. My 3.5 score was to account for the ones we didn't like.


Mediterranean Flatbread

Rating--Everyone gave it a 3


Pretty good! Think Mediterranean pizza  -well, I guess pizza is already Mediterranean. OK, think Moroccan pizza with no sauce or cheese and instead it's covered in vegetables and fennel cream. So I guess not really like a pizza, but that's what it reminded me of. Because it's... flat. Katie, help.


Oh gosh, I remember I liked this but not much of what it tasted like. We really have to take notes right after eating next time. I think I would have it again even though there was fennel in it.

Harissa Roasted Rack of Lamb

Rating--Unanimous 2


I'm not sure why I gave it a 2. I remember not liking this at all. I can't recall a single time I've liked lamb. I had it right off the...thing...at Texas de Brasil and I didn't like it then either. Yuck.


Ohhhhhh no. I don't like eating meat right off the bone; I'm a soft boy and it reminds me that the thing I'm destroying with my gnashing teeth and swallowing into my acid-filled pressure pit used to be a living creature with its own hopes and dreams whose burned flesh I'm ripping off its bones with my teeth right now. Sorry, little lamb kids! Nick ate your mom at Morocco! Anyway, this was a little too chewy for me. Also, Katie told me I should actually be apologizing to the sheep moms for eating their children. Oh no. And I gave their children a 2! I'm a monster!


Rating--3.5 across the board


Mouskoutchou!!! Let's banish thoughts of softly weeping sheep moms, upset that their children's flesh only got a score of 2 out of 5, with some mouskoutchou!!! I don't know why I didn't give this a higher score, because it was really good; very nice and tasty and orange-flavored without being too sweet. And it came on a cool mousse edible blue and white tile! Look, a complete monster wouldn't say that! Mouskoutchou! Ha ha!


I liked this about as much as I will ever like something chocolatey and moussey. I thought the tile plate was really cool. I greatly enjoy things that are one thing but look like another thing. Like a candle I bought for my dad once that looked like a to-go coffee cup. I had one that legit looked like a blueberry scone...but it was a candle! Things that look like other things!

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