
Dark Chocolate with Marzipan

Post-bite thoughts


I only recently tried marzipan. I had been warned for years about how it was not well liked by most people and was an acquired taste. When I finally tried it, it was pretty good. The almond taste was strong enough to be felt but not so strong that I wanted to never hear the word almond again.

My past experience with dark chocolate is less positive. Over a certain percentage over pure cacao and I can't take the bitter taste. Up to a certain point, the bitterness can be quite pleasant, especially if the chocolate is mixed with another flavor like orange. 

I am actually going to pause my thoughts on the dark chocolate marzipan to have another bite. I need to more fully formulate my thoughts in light of my recent introspection. 

Okay, I'm back after having a little more. Overall, I like it. I believe I have said before that I can only handle eating so much of any chocolate at any given time so the small amount I had was enough for me for quite some time. That being said, I thought this was good. The kind of good where if a friend or relative has some and asks if you want some, you'll say "sure, I like that!" and enjoy it. It's not something I'd buy to just eat on my own or split with Nick. This is more to do with me not really being into chocolate rather than this being bad. If you like dark chocolate and you like marzipan, try this out for something different. It comes in squares so you can easily share with friends or dole it out to yourself bit by bit over time.


Hmmmm.... kind of a mixed bag here I think. The dark chocolate is good, the marzipan is good, and they actually go together very well taste wise; the chocolate really covers up the sometimes unpleasantly strong almond flavor that marzipan usually has (especially the aftertaste). In that regard, I think this is better than eating marzipan straight. The texture though..... hmm. Both Katie and I don't really like chocolate with differently-textured stuff inside it; I'll eat mint or orange or whatever flavored dark chocolate all day, but that's when the chocolate itself is flavored; when it's around something, that's when I start making a face like a cat who just tried to eat a bread twist tie he found on the ground. I think that's where this falls down a little bit; the texture of the hard, brittle chocolate and the thick, gritty marzipan don't quiiiiiiite work out. I think this would have been better as dark chocolate with the marzipan mixed directly into the chocolate (and it's not like marzipan isn't a strong enough taste for you to notice it's there). Overall, not bad, but I think I'd rather just eat some nice dark chocolate. 

PS: 60% is my line - once you go over that, you're on very risky ground with dark chocolate. Give me that 60% Lindt. No, seriously, give me some. Do you have any? Give it to me!

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