
Prosciutto Pasta

Food Prep and Cooking


I had to work late for a meeting so missed half the prep again. The prep I was there for was very easy as we skipped the mushrooms. We tried the prosciutto to see if we wanted it on our pasta. I've always liked it in small doses but the squishy texture was not right for the dish, at least for us.


Easy - boil the pasta, make the sauce, combine and stir. The unusual step was frying panko breadcrumbs in butter, which I've never done before, and smelled absolutely delicious. Man, why aren't I frying more stuff in butter? You know, I wonder if I could make popcorn like that, melt the butter in a pan, pour on the kernels... nobody tell my doctor what I'm about to do.

Post-meal thoughts


I really enjoyed this! My only real complaint is that I wanted much more. I'm also used to far thicker sauces for pasta but it was tasty. The recipe included these brown butter breadcrumbs (for some reason) that completely elevated the taste. I'll leave it to Nick to describe them. The sauce was basic but basic can be great. It was tomato paste and garlic since we skipped the mushrooms. I would happily eat this again. 


Good! As Katie noted, we skipped the mushrooms and prosciutto, the mushrooms because ew, and the big P because of a texture concern; when I'm going to town on a nice bowl of pasta I don't necessarily want to get a mouthful of prosciutto. That's just weird. This resulted in the dish feeling like I didn't really get enough to eat, but what we did get was absolutely delicious. Per Katie, the sauce was a bit basic; what really elevated the dish was the breadcrumbs, which tasted amazing. It's like having the garlic bread right on the pasta! I don't know if I would specifically get this again, but I might just start butter frying panko breadcrumbs  whenever it's pasta time from now on.

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